Wednesday, 19 June 2013

life with Saxon - month two

I can’t believe we are almost at the end of month two. Saxon is 3 months old in just two short weeks! So many new things this month.. He has put on even more weight, and grew an extra few cm’s. He’s gone up a size in clothing which makes me sad. I think at this point you finally realise just how quick they grow up. Though it’s always exciting getting the brand news clothes out that you put away for when they are bigger. You know the ones without the spew/poo stains? They only stay that way for about a week..
What i loved this month..
The full blown gummy smiles… I melt.
His hair. The way it has started to comb over his head. And i like the colour of it now, so different to his older brother’s.
The snuggles. Still soaking up as much cuddle time as i can.
The way he is instantly happy when he’s nakey. Saxon loves nappy changes!
I love that he finds his brother Caelan so amusing. The bond between them already is special.
The goo’s and gahh’s. Seriously melts my heart.

“A mother holds her child’s hand for just a short time, but holds their heart forever.” – Krystal Nahdee

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

a chilly day

I have been a little slack with my camera lately. It’s been cooped up inside it’s bag since I took Saxon’s newborn photos 6 weeks ago. A bit like me.. Since the late nights & broken sleep I haven’t been getting out much, so yesterday my family and I spent the day outdoors. We ventured out into the chilly Winter air and headed for my favourite park to take a few family snaps.
After some bribing with lollies and soft drink we finally got a photo of the two boys together. Caelan may not sit still very often & he hates taking orders, but ask him if he would like to hold his baby brother & he sits straight down, arms wide open. He loves him.. And Saxon adores him right back.
I’ve promised myself to get out more with my camera and to capture more of my boys & their growing personalities. And I will.